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Writing particularly for the searching layperson who wants to explore what the good news is all about, Open Door on John is an easy-to-use and imaginative introduction to study on the gospel of John. Mysterious, enchanting, glorious: John’s Gospel is perhaps the most popular … and perhaps the least understood. The author invites the reader to “come and see”; to push open the door to life in all...

By beginning at the beginning as he does, John opens a door on the whole creative process. He gets things in perspective. We are not just dealing with certain events in Palestine 2,000 years ago: we are concerned with the purpose of God in history. The meaning of life and the universe is not ‘42’, as the Hitch Hiker’s Guide to the Galaxy facetiously claims. Understanding is disclosed through the ‘Word’. That is how God displays his nature and how he is known. All this is proclaimed in the opening
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